Greg Grandin praises THE NEW POWER ELITE by Heather Gautney as Required Reading

Greg Grandin, Peter V. and C. Vann Woodward Professor of History of Yale University, says:

“In the half century since the pioneering sociologist C.W. Mills published The Power Elite, the rulers of this country have grown richer than Midas, more rapacious, more unaccountable even as they’ve become more hostile to the interests of the general welfare. Now, Heather Gautney gives us a much-needed follow-up study into how the ruling class rules, how it maintains such misery in the midst of extraordinary wealth. Gautney’s research should be required reading for all. Make it the one-city-one-book for every town and college in the nation. Hand it out to new citizens at their swearing-in ceremonies. Quickly publish a young-adult version for children. Read it, and act.”

The New Power Elite by Heather Gautney is published by Oxford University Press. Heather Gautney is Associate Professor of Sociology at Fordham University. She has written and edited books, opinion essays, and academic articles on US politics, social movements, social inequality, and workforce issues in the entertainment industry. Gautney was a senior policy advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders on his presidential campaign and in the US Senate Budget Committee. In 2020, she served on the Democratic Party’s platform drafting committee and was co-chair of the Biden-Sanders Task Force on Education.