Kirkus stars QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER PRIME MINISTER “Delicious British political history”
“…Somerset delivers an entirely entertaining combination of biography and political history of Victorian Britain”
“…Somerset delivers an entirely entertaining combination of biography and political history of Victorian Britain”
“Weber’s vital and enlightening portrait will be the foundation for all future studies of ‘the jazz-loving pioneer of abstraction.'”
“Painstakingly reported and paced like a thriller, this is a must-read for anyone interested in organized crime.”
“[J]azz devotees…. will be charmed by Friedwald’s lyrical prose…, irrepressible enthusiasm, and keen eye for jazz’s rising stars. The result is a cheerful celebration of an uniquely American musical form.”
“Scrupulously detailed … rigorously researched and impressively nuanced …the definitive biography of one of modern art’s most important figures.”
ChinaFile hosted the launch at New York’s Asia Society on July 17th.
“Written with a scholarly precision that revels in the nuances of Mondrian’s remarkable life and work, Weber’s book offers an immersive, if lengthy, biographical experience for lovers of both art history and modernism.”
“In Mondrian, the monk of modernism finally gets the flesh-and-blood portrait he deserves.”
“Some of the material here is inspiring, some takes excursions into darkness, but Barrat tackles both aspects of his subject with empathy and intelligence, relating human stories that need to be told. An important, well-considered contribution to a critical topic.”
“Nicholas Fox Weber’s biography of Piet Mondrian is as fastidiously passionate as his subject’s paintings. How wonderful it is to read of Mondrian’s gaiety and zest.”
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