
Mentoring is a developmental process of open dialogue that aims to achieve both individual and organizational change through shared understanding and suspending judgement within a relationship of mutual learning in which differences that exist are perceived as integral to learning, growth and development.
David Clutterbuck

WILLIAM CLARK offers twelve month mentorships for literary agents on a rolling basis to up to two mentees who are employed by a literary agency, and are engaged in the selling of rights or in the direct support of selling rights. Each mentee receives two hours of mentoring each month. Meetings are in person or remote.

Mentorships are offered on a confidential basis, unless otherwise agreed.

Interested in learning more about the publishing industry, the agenting business, or mentoring? Here are some recommended books.


Mentorship topics include:

  • Publishing Industry Overview
  • The Rights Ecosystem
  • The Principal-Agent Business Structure
  • Client Management
  • Ethical Professional Behavior and Best Practices
  • Negotiation Styles and Strategy
  • Network, Career and Leadership Development

Each mentoring cycle follows the fluid four-phase mentoring model of Lois Zachary, co-author with Lisa Z. Fain of The Mentor’s Guide and Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring, and founder of The Center for Mentoring Excellence:

  1. Preparing the relationship by discussing motivations and expectations and laying the foundation for a trusting, authentic relationship.
  2. Establishing agreements about goals, ground rules, timelines, and accountabilities.
  3. Enabling growth by supporting, challenging, and encouraging the mentee to create and articulate a vision of possibility.
  4. Closure in which the focus is on consolidating and integrating the learning, evaluating the learning, celebrating the learning, and moving on.

Mentorship Application

Do you identify as a member of a historically-underrepresented group in the publishing industry?
Have you been mentored before?(Required)
What are the last five works of published fiction and/or non-fiction you've read?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.