Book List
UPDATED: 2024-07-24
Kim Adelman
Jake Adelstein
Josef & Anni Albers Foundation
Jake Austen
Estate of Cornelia Walker Bailey
Lois Banner
Hugh Barker
James Barrat
Brian Bates **
Jennifer Boles
Lord John Browne **
Marty Case
Paula Champa
Edward Chisholm *****
Anjie Cho
Art Cullen
Antonino D’Ambrosio
Jennifer Dasal
Robin Allison Davis
C.J. Dellatore
Estate of John Diamond **
Brian Doherty
Sarah Erdman
Ann Fensterstock
Estate of Barbara Milberg Fisher
Will Friedwald
James Gardner
Heather Gautney
Vivien Goldman
Tristan Gooley *
Pat Graham
Estate of Dan Greenburg
Zack O’Malley Greenburg
George Gurley
Deena Guzder
Estate of Dayle Haddon
Alexa Hampton
Duane Hampton
Estate of Mark Hampton
Lee Hanson
Charlie Hess
Peter Hessler
Joseph Hincks
Andrew Holecek
Feng-hsiung Hsu
Nathalie Hudson
Immy Humes
Jack Huberman
Nicholas L. Johnson
Keith Kachtick
Stephane Kirkland
C.M. Kushins
Bob van Laerhoven
Michelle Lee
Jen Lin-Liu
Cory MacLauchlin
Eric Maddox
Estate of Steven Martin
Joanie McDonell **
James McGuane
Dan McMillan
Keri Leigh Merritt
Marc Meyer
Alex Moazed
Susan Morgan
Laura Morris
Stephen Murdoch
Reggie Nadelson
Riad Nasr
Juliet Nicolson ****
Murray Nossel
Erich Origen
Zak Pelaccio
Anne Peretz
Joel Pickett
Linden Pride
Nick Prueher
Joe Ramirez
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
Claire Prentice
Tara Rodgers
Joseph Rosenbloom
Chris Ruen
Trebor Scholz
Rick Shenkman
Lady Anne Somerset ***
Guy Spier
Bill Talen (aka Rev. Billy)
David Taylor
Yuval Taylor
Martha Teichner
Cullen Thomas
Estate of Franklin Toker
Rob Verchick
Ellen Wald
Nicholas Fox Weber
Leslie Woodhead
Carolin Young
* Represented in association with Sophie Hicks Agency
** Represented in association with Curtis Brown, successor to Ed Victor Ltd.
*** Represented in association with Curtis Brown and Georgina Capel Associates Ltd.
**** Represented in association with C&W
***** Represented in association with Curtis Brown